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Defining types


We can create our own types in C by using the typedef keyword.  Having done this, we can use them to declare variables as we would the standard C types like int, float and char.  Here's how we would do it with our student record example:



/* Inform the compiler of a type definition called <Student> */

/* No memory is allocated                                    */


typedef struct


               char *name;

               float mark;

               int   age;

} Student;


Student r[3];  /* Allocate three student records in memory */



We can even create types within types.  Consider a definition of a Class which uses the Student type as a subfield.



typedef struct


               char *teacher;

               char *courseDescription;

               Student *s;          

} Class;



And an even greater aggregate School which includes Class which includes Student:


typedef struct


               char *name,*address,*telephone;

               Class *classes;

} School;



It is also possible to typedefine standard types into other names:


typedef char Buffer[80];     /* define Buffer as an 80 byte char space */

typedef unsigned char Byte;  /* define Byte as a value from 0-255 */





Whenever possible, type-define symbols to increase readability of code.



Run time memory model


So far we have written programs using a static memory model, static meaning fixed, meaning that as we code the program, we make assumptions as to the worst case size of the data we expect.  Recall our storage paradigm for a series of student names:



#define MAX_CHARS    80

#define MAX_STUDENTS 20





The student name array <s> has a fixed size, 80 chars being allotted for each student for the duration of the program.  In memory this is called a smooth array:





Row 0 |Joe\0      |    Total space = 20 x 80 chars = 1600 bytes

Row 1 |Mary\0     |

...       |                |    (poor memory management)

Row19|                |




There is a problem here in that too much memory is being wasted on names, considering that most of the time they will be less than 80 characters.  Twenty strings means we need a worst case of all 20 * 80 = 1600 characters.


Rather we would like to allocate the worst case once, say 80 characters, and after that allocate exactly the number of characters for each string at run-time.  This is a dynamic memory model, or run‑time memory model.  To create a run-time memory model, we must make use of the run-time memory functions in <stdlib.h>:



     void * malloc(int nBytes); /* allocate memory while program is running   */

     void  free(void *);        /* deallocate memory while program is running */



How do we use malloc() and free()?




malloc() returns a pointer to a safe address in memory in heap, or run-time space of a buffer of size which you must specify.


free() gives a malloced buffer back to the system for reuse.



Let's consider a simple example where we wish to read one student's name from the keyboard and store it optimally in memory:



/* Ex 1 */


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


#define MAX_CHARS 80


void main()


     char temp[MAX_CHARS];   /* worst case size temporary buffer  */

     char *name;             /* pointer to an exact length string */

     printf("Please enter your name: MAX %d",MAX_CHARS);

     /* put user name in temp buffer */


     /* allocate exactly enough space for name */

     name = (char*)malloc(strlen(temp)+1);

     /* put the name in the exact length buffer */


     printf("stored result is %s\n",name);

     /* deallocate name once we are done with it */





Memory map



temp ‑> | ... 80 chars ... |          Compile time allocation



name    | . |





        |Jonathon\0|                  Run time allocation




/* Ex 2 : we can extend Ex 1 to read in a series of names

         and store them optimally */



#define MAX_CHARS 80

#define NNAMES    5


void main()


     char *names[NNAMES];     /* allocate 5 ptrs to exact length strings */

     char temp[MAX_CHARS];    /* temporary buffer                        */

     int i;


     /* read and allocate the names */


     for (i = 0; i < NNAMES; i++)


          printf("Enter name %d:",i);


          name[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(temp)+1);




     /* print and deallocate names */


     for (i = 0; i < NNAMES; i++)


          printf("Name %d: %s\n",i,name[i]);






Memory Map


TEXT ...

CODE ...


HEAP (works forward in memory,

      contains malloced memory

      or run-time memory)


      Greg\0                                 <---

      Nancy\0                               <---|-

      Fred\0                                  <---|-|-

      Joe\0                                    <---|-|-|-

      Allison\0                               <---|-|-|-|-

                                                        | | | | |

STACK  (works backwords in memory,

        contains local variables)             | | | | |

                                                       | | | | |

       int i                                          | | | | |

       temp  ‑>  |...80 chars |                | | | | |

       names ‑>  names[0] ‑------------  | | | |    [ <names> is a ragged array,

                 names[1] ‑--------------  | | |      much more memory efficient

                 names[2] ‑----------------  | |      than the smooth array model ]

                 names[3] ------------------- |

                 names[4] ‑-------------------




PROJECT 3: Catering company ingredient manager



You are hired by Karake food catering Co. to develop an automated system that manages weekly shopping requirements.  Karake's scenario is the following:



     ADVANCE ORDERS             Shopping for meal

       COME IN         ===>     ingredients must be done

                                in advance so banquets can

                                be prepared on time



This means that specific food and quantities must be purchased at

the appropriate times throughout the week.  This may be complex.

Mistakes can be made by erring/sleepy personell.  Better to let

the computer perform optimal allocation of meal ingredients.



Karake promotes the following menu:




    Delicacies offered:


  1 ‑ Combo 1, veggie platter

  2 ‑ Combo 2, fish   platter with greek salad





The type of report they would like to be generated is:


Attention : shoppers


Report generated on Mar 09/96

You have the following shopping schedule(s):


Mar 3/96

  Item        Amount      Price/unit     Expected price

  ‑‑‑‑        ‑‑‑‑‑‑      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑     ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

  Onion        40           $0.10        $400

  Lettuce      50           $1.12        $65

  Tomato       43

  Cucumber     21            ...

  Potatoe      100

  Rice         12 kg

  Beverage     100




Mar 5/96


  Item        Amount      Price/unit     Expected price

  ‑‑‑‑        ‑‑‑‑‑‑      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑     ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

   Halibut      5 kg         5.00           $25

   Cream        3 kg         1.50           $ 4.50




     Warning: the following foods may spoil before next usage!!

          Cream $4.50



Mar 10/96


  Item        Amount      Price/unit     Expected price

  ‑‑‑‑        ‑‑‑‑‑‑      ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑     ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

   Tomatoes   ....


.. etc.



Attention: managers, stats (for week ending Mar 10/96):


Total # combos     : 150

# Mouths to feed   : 150

Total Revenue      : $1202.56

Total Food expenses: $ 401.22

Gross profit       : $ 801.34



Sample time line



Let us look at a time line for a typical week in the life of



(O) Mar 01/96  Karake gets two orders for catering

                  One     due Mar 04/96

                  Another due Mar 09/96



(S) Mar 03/96  Shopping day, ingredients purchased




(B) Mar 04/96  Banquet served




(S) Mar 05/96  Shopping day, more ingredients purchased




(0) Mar 06/96  Another order for Mar 12/96




(B) Mar 09/96  Banquet served



(S) Mar 10/96  Shopping day, more ingredients purchased




(B) Mar 12/96  Feast!




According to the codes listed above,


     O = Order received

     S = Shopping day

     B = Banquet


we will need several files to organize orders, meal combos,

specific food info and shopping times.  Let's propose them

working from high to low level.








  "Combo 1, veggie platter"

  Salad           1

  Fries           1

  RiceDelight     1

  Beverage        1



  "Combo 2, fish platter with greek salad"

     Halibut 1

     Fries   2

     Beverage 1



  "Combo 3, cocktail delight"

     ShrimpTray          1

     CheeseAndCrackers   1

     Wine                1







     Lettuce 0.3

     Tomato  0.5

     Cucumber 0.1





     Potato 2;





  Tomato   0.5

  Rice     0.2  

  Onion    0.4 





# NAME    Units       Expected price/unit SPOIL TIME(in days)


#          N = # of units

#          K = # of kgs


Tomato      N    0.3                     5

Cucumber    N    0.25                    3

Onion       N    0.4                   30

Potatoes    N    0.05                  20

Broccoli    N    1.25                   4

SwissChar   N    2.00                   3

Halibut     K    5.00                   4

Rice        K    0.45                  365

Spagghetti  K    0.32                  365

Milk        K    0.50                   5 

Cream       K    0.70                   3




# each order has following format

#  # of combo orders, Delivery required

#    the details of the record are

#      date, # persons, meal #, delivery



   02/03/09  10     2



   02/03/11  25     1

   02/03/11  15     2



regular‑runs done on the following days








By setting up the control information in various files, the program is quite general.  The user can restructure meal plans, adjust ingredient prices, etc by changing these control files and rerunning the program.


Suggested definitions:





struct Plate


     char *itemName;

     float quantity;



struct MealCombo


     char *comboName;

     struct Plate *pList;





struct SubCombo


     int comboStyle;

     int totalPeople;



struct Order


     char *name;

     char *address;

     char *phone;

     char *orderDate;

     char *banquetDate;

     int nCombos;

     struct SubCombo *scList;

     char *payment;

     int delivery;





struct MealIngredient


     char *ingredient;

     float quantity;



struct MealComboInfo


     char *mealChoice;

     struct MealIngredient *ingrList;





enum {PASTA,DAIRY,MEAT,VEG};  // this is for typeOfIngredient


struct Ingredient


     char *name;

     char unit;

     float price;

     int  keepDuration;

     int typeOfIngredient;





char* shopDays[MAX_DAYS];


shopDays[0] = "Mon";

shopDays[1] = "Wed";

shopDays[2] = 0;


The above describes two regular shopping days